Web Series produced; Tv Series In Development
Five years ago, an unprecedented event occurred in humanity: The sea mammals were declared as non-human people and they came to live on the surface! Fin Punch (or Personas Cetáceas) is a 22-part web show about a dolphin and narwhal who constantly let their clashing philosophical views get in the way of their goal to overthrow humanity.
On 2015, Frederator Studios dubbed the project for their Cartoon Hangover YouTube Channel.
Currently developing the TV Series based on the web show, that you can watch below:
Original Title: Personas Cetáceas
Director: Matías Latorre
Writers: Matías Latorre, Javiera Siri
Producers: María Graciela Severino, Max Narr
Episodes: 26x11’ (TV Series developing) 22x2’ (Web series produced)
Target: Teens, Adults